“one does not have a body but is a body”

“In the eschatological light of Christ's resurrection, the body appears not as a temporary and disposable flesh envelope for a ‘soul’ or ‘spirit’ enclosed within it, a non-material essence that is the ‘real’ person, but as the concrete and highly complex formation of a unique identity produced by the confluence of biological materiality, social and cultural processes, and transpersonal relational narratives….one does not have a body but is a body”  –Dr. Scott MacDougall

In light of Jesus’ resurrection appearances, it would seem as if our bodies matter. I’ve been in a class this semester with Dr. Scott MacDougall about the significance of the body––both here and in the resurrection––and would love to talk about these ideas with you all. So for our next beer garden hang out Dr. MacDougall will join us in person to discuss his article about the classic problems with the body in Christianity and what it could mean for us to make meaning with our bodies.

We’ll meet up at Westbrae Biergarten on May 31st (the last Wednesday of the month), to discuss this article. This isn’t an easy read, but trust me, it’s worth doing. Come hang out and discuss with us––and feel free to invite friends who might find this subject interesting!


We’re taking a summer break!

