
Lent––a penitential season of the church year when we imitate Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness by fasting and intentionally taking on practices that attend to our spirit, that is to the things in our lives that point us toward God. We do this in order to prepare for the experience of the resurrection of Jesus, which we celebrate on Easter. In order to do this, we enter liminal spaces and fearfully ask to be drawn out to the wilderness, to the places from which we might not return. As Harvard Divinity professor Stephanie Paulsell once wrote, “during Lent we seek to have Jesus’ story provide the pattern for our lives. The Lenten journey invites us to detach our selves from the habits and comforts that protect and sustain our status quo and to step out into a disorienting space…a liminal space, where our perspective can shift, where we become vulnerable to transformation, and where new forms of being and living may be discovered.”

If you’ve never practiced this season of Lent, please join us this year (it starts on February 22nd on Ash Wednesday) and consider the ways in which your spirit needs this time in the wilderness in pursuit of God. Below are a bunch of ways to connect this Lent. Click on the buttons below to learn more.

Mardi Gras/Shrove Tuesday

February 21st @ 5:30. Kick off Lent with a pancake dinner, jambalaya, Mardi Gras beads, and burning palms (with the larger All Souls community). Click here to learn more.

Dinner @ Tommy & Lizzie’s + Ash Wednesday

February 22nd @ 5:30. Come have dinner with the Sunday Night Service crew at Tommy & Lizzie’s before heading to the 7:30p Ash Wednesday service at All Souls. Click here to learn more.

Catechumenate Class

If you, or anyone you know, is interested in learning more about the Episcopal church and Episcopal/Anglican theology, views of the Bible, structure, history, or about how we use the Book of Common Prayer, join this six week class during Lent. It will start on February 26th at 7p (just following the Sunday Night Service). We’ll likely have a potluck soup dinner each week. Click here to learn more.

Lenten Contemplative Weekly Service

Join the All Souls upstairs folks on the Wednesday nights in Lent for a contemplative prayer service following a soup supper in the Parish Hall. We’ll start at 5:30p and wrap up around 7:00p, starting March 1st.


“one does not have a body but is a body”

