We’re on a podcast!

A vulnerability hangover? Yes. That’s how I felt on Monday evening after my story aired on the Abbey Normal podcast. And, while it’s not the whole of my story, what’s in there is in part why this Sunday Night Service was created. It was out of my own story and experiences that led me to create the space that is becoming the Sunday Night Service. So, if you’ve got an extra hour in your day, give it a listen. In fact, give the whole series a listen as in the next couple of weeks you’ll hear from more of the Sunday Night Service core team (and others with amazing stories!). Also, check out these baby pictures :)

Edited: March 1, 2022. The finale to the podcast is up and it’s about us! Check out this final episode to hear more about the experiences and questions that led us to create the Sunday Night Service.


“Is it okay if I just skip the Episcopal phase of my deconstruction?” 


the Magnificat