August Updates

Dear friends,

I’m excited for what’s ahead and so here’s a little note to you all about what’s coming.

Last Wednesday of the month hang

We’re keeping up with something we started this summer, which is a last Wednesday of the month hangout at Westbrae Biergarten in Berkeley. But, we’re going to to add a bit of content to some of these nights going forward. For a long while now I have been hoping for ways that we can not only worship together, but grow, change, and reconstruct together. Many of us are coming from spaces where the vocabulary of Christianity and movements of worship have been damaging, both spiritually and emotionally. And, many of us are here because we’re hoping to recover some of what was lost. Black Liturgies recently posted this quote by the poet Nikki Giovanni, “it is not unusual to sift through ashes and find an unburnt picture”. My hope is that we are, together, looking for those unburnt pictures. And so every other month, we’re going to use these last Wednesday of the month hangouts to read and discuss a book together (for those who are counting, that gives you two months to finish a book and leaves every other last Wednesday hangout simply that: a hangout). Starting October 26th at 6p at the Westbrae Biergarten (again, which gives you two months to finish this first book) we’ll discuss together Marcus Borg’s book Convictions. This book was one of the first books I read when I began attending an Episcopal church and is a fabulous introduction to some reframing of salvation, the Bible, and Jesus––and so I’d like to try starting here. I imagine us traveling next with books by Cole Arthur Riley, Jonathan Martin, Peter Enns, and Rachel Held Evans. If you want to participate in this book group, just send me a note so I know who’s interested. And, if the cost of the book is more than you can do right now, just holler––we got you.

Save the Date! Family Meeting, October 2nd

This Sunday Night Service community is just about a year old (!) and I think it’s time to gather all of us into one room, at the same time, and talk about where we are, who we are, and where we’re going. So we’re calling it a family meeting and planning for October 2nd, after the service. Since that’s right at dinner time, let’s combine it with a potluck dinner––we’ll provide the main dish, y’all provide some sides and desserts. Even if you’ve attended this service only once, please plan to come (that is, if you intend on coming back sometime). We want to hear from you and we want to have a conversation about our hopes and plans for what’s ahead.

Storytelling Dinner is back!

Lastly, it’s been a while, but we’re gearing up for another of our Storytelling Dinners. Save the date for Friday night, November 18th, in my backyard where we’re gather for dinner and some conversation. We’ll have an RSVP form up as the date gets closer, and we’ll also have a topic for the dinner announced later, but I just wanted to get the date out to you all now.


Lastly, if you haven’t, please consider giving to the work that we are doing (click here)––either as a monthly pledge, a one-time gift, or by bringing drinks to share on Sunday evenings after the service. All are very helpful and very much appreciated.

I am very grateful for you all and grateful to be on this journey with you all.





This is me, lamenting.